Dr. Kristina Wolf


During my visit at The Ohio State University, I worked with Arnab Nandi on how we can reduce the friction in current incident reporting during Hurricane Ian (September, USA). Later, I applied the lessons learned to Newcastle and integrated computer vision algorithms into a geospatial data infrastructure.

Click on the image or follow the link below to access the full paper using the following link: Camera-first form filling: reducing the friction in climate hazard reporting.

Wolf, K., Winecki, D., & Nandi, A. (2023, June). Camera-First Form Filling: Reducing the Friction in Climate Hazard Reporting. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (pp. 1-7).

I was able to present parts of this research at the Bridge Program "AI for Climate Science" as part of AAAI 2023 in Washington D.C., USA, connect with climate change experts and receive valuable feedback on my approach.

I was able to present further outputs of this research at the GISRUK 2023 conference at the University of Glasgow, UK.

Click on the image or follow the link below to access the full paper using the following link: Supporting geospatial climate hazard reporting using computer vision and text generation of social media imagery.

Wolf, K., Dawson, R., Mills, J., Blythe, P., Morley, J., & Nandi, A. (2023, April 19). Supporting geospatial climate hazard reporting using computer vision and text generation of social media imagery. 31st Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Glasgow, Scotland.