Dr. Kristina Wolf

Research at Tohoku University: GIS AND TRANSPORTATION LAB

Research department

Transportation and Geographic Information Science Laboratory (Kuwahara Lab)
Department of Human-Social Information Sciences
Graduate School of Information Sciences
Tohoku University

Research project

The Kuwahara laboratory specialises in traffic flow analysis, traffic simulation and control, travel behaviour analysis and transportation environmental protection.

This project aimed to develop a GIS-based decision support system for analyzing natural hazards and their impact on traffic network. The aim is to foster awareness among citizens in case of disaster by providing information about the closest shelters, medical institutions as well as showing alternative routes to vehicles in case of incident or road regulation. 

 We use spatially and publicly accessible topographic, human capital asset and infrastructure data. Moreover, this research includes traffic data generated by probe vehicles provided by Fujitsu and road regulation data provided by the Transportation and GIS Laboratory of the Graduation School of Information Sciences School at Tohoku University.

Here are some insights from the project showcasing the study area.